Sobre o curso
We offer you to get acquainted with the exciting technique of watercolor painting.
Esta Oficina está orientada para iniciantes, mas também poderá ser útil a pessoas com experiência que poderão atualizar os seus conhecimentos e inspirar-se explorando este meio em boa companhia.
We rely more on beginners, but it can also be useful for people with experience to update their knowledge and be inspired to experiment in good company.
Durante o curso:
During the course:
– terão uma ideia de luz e sombra, cor e tom, desenhando com linha e “ponto” a partir de exemplos simples e visuais;
– you will have an idea of light and shadow, color and tone, drawing with line and “from the point” using simple, visual examples;
– aprenderão as técnicas básicas do trabalho com aquarela, que poderão usar em futuros trabalhos;
– learn the basic techniques of working with watercolor, which you can use in your future work;
– we will talk about the difference between working with references and drawing from nature;
– abordaremos a teoria das cores e obteremos as nossas próprias cores e tons;
– and I hope you enjoy painting with watercolors and creating your own works.O curso será composto por 5 sessões, com os seguintes temas:
The course will consist of 5 classes, with the following themes:
1. Mancha e linha, conhecendo o material
1. Spot and line, introducing the material
2. Técnicas básicas: trabalho com papel seco e molhado
2. Basic techniques: working with dry and wet paper
3. Sombra e volume, tom
3. Shadow and volume, tone
4 e 5:Teoria da Cor e Prática de Mistura de Cores.
4 and 5: Color Theory and Color Mixing Practice.
Começaremos com uma pequena parte teórica e uma demonstração e passamos à prática.
We start with a small theoretical part and a demonstration and move on to practice.
Terminaremos as aulas com uma discussão de trabalhos. A duração aproximada da aula é de 1 a 1,5 horas.
We ended the class with a discussion of work. The approximate duration of the class is 1 to 1.5 hours.
Preço por sessão:25€ sem materiais
The price per session is 25€ without materials
(30€ with materials, with prior arrangement so we have time to prepare the necessary materials)Para quem desejar, são fornecidos trabalhos de casa simples e curtos, que poderão receber feedback se, durante o curso, forem enviados para ala@esaq.pt;
For those who wish, simple and short homework assignments are provided, which can be sent to alaesaq.pt and receive feedback during the course.
Serão apresentadas as técnicas e as técnicas básicas e será discutido como é possível utilizá-las na prática de cada formando, de acordo com suas necessidades ou objetivos;
My idea is to introduce you to the basic techniques and techniques and discuss how you can use them in your own practice, according to your needs or objectives.
A aquarela pode ficar bonita e apropriada na forma de sketches rápidos, ilustrações, pinturas clássicas ou trabalhos emotivos e mais abstratos. Com estes princípios básicos, você poderá continuar a sua própria pesquisa ou, se desejar, poderá propor o aprofundamento desses temas.
2015-2018-studied at Kostandi Art School, Odesa, Ukraine under the supervision of
Tokarev V.P. Honored Artist and Teacher of Ukraine.HISTORY OF EXHIBITIONS
September 2018 participant of the First International Mail Art
Exhibition’ from Budapest Stephanie Palace Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.

2018- participation in the first international exhibition of watercolor miniatures
Miniwatercolor Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
November-December 2019-participant of the international exhibition Sea of Watercolors’,
Odesa, Ukraine.
February 2020 2020 participation in the exhibition “Go and Sketch”. Odessa Municipal
Museum. A.V. Bleschunova, Odesa, Ukraine. September 2020 Exhibition of sketches and
sketches of Black Sea Street within the project “Reading Home” Odesa. Ukraine
September 2020 Collective Exhibition of Abstract Art “Another Landscape” Ivano-
Frankivsk, Ukraine
May 2021 Kuinji Memorial Exhibition of modern landscape, Mariupol,Ukraine
August 2021 Passage Collage Odesa, Ukraine
October 2021 “Green paintbrush” exhibition ecoproject Kharkiv, Ukraine
November 2021 Collage Garden, Jackarta, Indonesia
May 2022 Meta-senses, online exhibition of Ukrainian art
showcase. Ponta Delgada. Azores. Portugal
August 2023online exhibition Freedom Ukraine
June-August 2018 participation in the first international exhibition of watercolor miniatures
Miniwatercolor Kyiv. Kyiv, Ukraine, the work was awarded an honorable diploma.MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATION TO ORGANIZATIONS
Founder and admin of the Urbansketchers IF community, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
December 2021 Watercolor art therapy course for women victims of domestic violence
March-May 2020 held a course of watercolor sketching for beginners “First Steps”, Ivano-
Frankivsk, Ukraine
December 2020 painting watercolor course 2020 expert in a project “Level up” for
novice artists
Os Urban Sketchers Portugal Açores são um grupo – informal – composto por pessoas que gostam de desenhar e que desenham em diários Gráficos (cadernos, blocos ou objetos semelhantes) as cidades onde vivem, os sítios por onde viajam, encontram-se para desenhar de vez em quando e respeitam o seu manifesto.